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Beamline 11-BM is a dedicated high-resolution powder diffractometer at the APS. It offers high resolution powder diffraction data (< 1.2 x 10-4 Δd/d) over moderate time scales (10 minutes – 1 hour). Beamline 11-BM offers both on-site and mail-in modes of access. On-site experiments allow for a wide variety of sample environments, including variable temperature (5 K – 1800 C), electrochemical cells, and gas flow and loading.

Publishing 11-BM Results

For all non-proprietary users users of 11-BM, the only "cost" for users is that they provide us with information about published reports containing 11-BM data.

Note to proprietary users who do *not* intend to be publish collected data in the open literature: please be aware that this service is available on a cost-recovery basis under a Proprietary User Agreement. Contact the APS User Office or beamline staff for more details.

Mail-in users will periodically receive an automated email inquiring about the status of data previously collected at 11-BM. This email provides users a convenient method to supply citation information for published work or a short explanation if analysis of samples has been abandoned. Users can also provide publication information or update the status of a sample anytime online at the 11-BM user webpage.

This information helps demonstrate the value of 11-BM to our sponsors, and provides us with valuable user input on how 11-BM and its mail-in service can be improved.

APS Citation Policy

It is APS policy that all published reports of work conducted at the APS must contain in the following acknowledgement:

Use of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.

Thanking 11-BM beamline staff is always welcome, but co-authorships are only expected where we have been involved in experiment design or data analysis.

List of 11-BM Publications

The APS publications database contains a regularly updated list of all reported 11-BM publications. Only papers that have appeared in print with assigned page numbers are listed in the database, though in-press publication info submitted by users is saved for future followup.