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Beamline 11-BM is a dedicated high-resolution powder diffractometer at the APS. It offers high resolution powder diffraction data (< 1.2 x 10-4 Δd/d) over moderate time scales (10 minutes – 1 hour). Beamline 11-BM offers both on-site and mail-in modes of access. On-site experiments allow for a wide variety of sample environments, including variable temperature (5 K – 1800 C), electrochemical cells, and gas flow and loading.

Industry Users

Argonne encourages industrial use of the advanced scientific tools available here at the APS. As an established technique, powder diffraction at 11-BM attracts attracts a growing number of industrial users each year. These industries represent a diverse range of technology and science, from pharmaceutical to aerospace industries.

Contact the APS User Office for general information about industrial access to the APS (phone: 630-252-9090, or email: [email protected]).

Steps for Industrial Access

  1. Contact beamline staff to discuss your proposed experiment or measurements.
  2. Establish a proprietary user or general user agreement. This must be done before beamtime can be allocated. 
  3. Register as an APS User with the User Office. International users requesting mail-in access only (not traveling to Argonne) may enter "wavier" as the type of US visa to bypass this section of the registration form.
  4. Proprietary users must 'pre-pay' for beamtime in accordance with terms set by the US Dept of Energy. The current proprietary rate is ~ $400/hr (subject to change). In addition to the hourly rate, proprietary users of 11-BM are also charged the equivalent of 1 hour instrument 'set-up' time per proposal. This fixed fee covers sample base shipping, receiving and handling, and if requested, sample return and deletion of non-archived data files. This charge is per rapid access proposal regardless of the number of samples.
  5. Once the above steps are complete; industrial mail-in access follows the same steps, restrictions, and procedures as descibed for non-proprietary mail-in access.
  6. By default, collected data are retained on APS beamline computers and backup servers, and samples are disposed after the experiment. Proprietary users may request the return of samples and that data is deleted from primary electronic storage at Argonne. Please coordinate with beamline staff for more details.