Details of LaB6 660b scan aug14/11bmb_6115 # Run no. = 6115 # No. steps = 131000 # User sample name = LaB6 NIST SRM 660b # Scan Timestamp AUG 17, 2014 03:57 # collection temp = 295.65 K # 2theta step (deg) = 0.0005 # Time per step (sec) = 0.03 # 100/Ring Current[0] = 1.135 # Monitor I0 [0] = 76220 # Monitor I1 [0] = 63897 # Gonio._radius [mm] = 1000.0 # Calibration file = aug14/11bmb_6114_2thcorr.calib (with 2Theta correction) Best GSAS Fit Summary of 11-BM LaB6 SRM 660b Data # by Matthew Suchomel at APS/ANL, 2014 Using GSAS/EXPGUI ************************************** lattice = 4.15691 SRM lattice = 4.15689(8) A Delta A from SRM = -0.00002 Lambda = 0.413847 A (FIXED) La X,Y,Z = 0, 0, 0 (FIXED) La Uiso = 0.002 B X,Y, Z, = 0.198, 0, 0 Uiso = 0.002 background = 6-term Shifted Chebyschev (type #1) GSAS Profile type 4 GU = 1.60 GV = -0.36 GW = 0.05 LX = 0.28 LY = 0.00 (FIXED) S1 = 0.000 S2 = 0.000 SH/L = 0.0011 (FIXED) 2th zero = 0.0089 Absorption (mR/L) = 0.2 (FIXED) Rwp % = 9.5 chi**2 = 2.17